A love letter to the versions of You.
Article by Hayley Pierzynski
I’m turning 30 this month. I’m mostly indifferent about it, and I’m excited at the same time. It’s an odd feeling, stepping into a new decade. I know I’ve lived so much life, and I’m so hopeful about all the life I have yet to live. It’s gonna be a good one. I’ve been thinking about major lessons I learned in each year in my 20’s. Luckily, I’ve been teaching yoga since I was 22, so I have my yoga journals over the past 8 years. A true gift. Here are a few love notes I’d write to myself. What would you write to yourself over the past 10 years?
20 - It’s okay that you have to leave MSU. Don’t lie about not getting into the business program. Honesty and authenticity will become your best friend. Get comfortable with speaking your truth. Your life is taking a BIG turn. Give yourself grace. And hey, go check out that hot yoga studio. It may just change your life.
21 - Hayley, dump him. Really, believe me, someone better for YOU is on the way. You can do so much without a partner. You don’t need him. You have everything you need within you.
22 - You’re a yoga teacher! Can you believe it! You also will make a few big mistakes this year, and they do NOT define you. Also, you did your first therapy session. Eating will become less stressful for you. Stay the course.
23 - Congratulations on your engagement. I’m proud of you for staying cool during the engagement/planning and saving your money. You’re doing it.
24 - It’s okay to go to bed angry. Sleep does wonders and can give you loads of clarity. Also, enjoy small moments, don’t sweat the small stuff.
25 - You’re relaxing into life, and that is the biggest gift I could ever give you. You’re finding your rhythm with David. Stay calm during all the moves, you’ll learn some really cool things, like how to tile and how to paint properly.
26 - You’re a mama!!! Your postpartum feelings are valid. Ask for help. Really, ask for help. Speak up when it’s too much. Create boundaries that are rooted in self care, and not an angry electric fence.
27 - Whoa where is time going? You’re crushing your day job, you own a floral business, you’re teaching yoga. Be proud. Don’t be small. Acknowledge your own growth. Do you know how much you’re loved? Can you receive it?
28 – Life is lighthearted now. Early 20’s had a lot of twists and turns and it really feels like you’re flying high, and you are. I’m really, incredibly proud of you.
29 – Hey 2nd baby!! I’m so proud you spoke up when you were feeling overwhelmed. You really know who you are. You know what you want. Take this confidence into the next decade. Don’t care what other people think (to an extent obviously). Keep your heart open. Stay soft and stay strong. You can be both.
xoxo Hayley
Lovin’ YOU.
Nikki Finch curated this playlist full of songs wrapped in love.
By Brenann Woodruff
Begin kneeling or seated with both hands crossed over your heart.
We have crossed the threshold from what can feel like the longest, coldest month of the year. As we embrace the passing of time, we can use February as a reminder to lead from the heart.
February...often thought of as the "month of love" houses both Valentine's Day and the month-long awareness that is American Heart Month. As the muscle that keeps us moving, let us move together from this heart space.
From your seated posture, we will meet in a child's pose. Coming to all fours, widen your knees and press your hips back, keeping the arms extended forward, exhale as you lower. Bringing your heart towards your mat.
From Sarah Blondin, “When we turn toward our hearts, we arrive like a bolt of lightning in the present moment, and all our arguments against ourselves and life go quiet."
Taking a few rounds of breath here and when you're ready, on your next inhale reach your fingertips towards the right, exhale, feeling a gentle side body stretch. Inhale bring your fingertips through center and exhale them towards the left as you stretch the opposite side. Maybe you take this a few times, keeping your heart connected towards your mat, you gently move to the tune of your own breath inhaling through the center and exhaling as you reach to either side, deeper each round.
If you feel ready, rise to your knees, bringing your right hand towards your right ankle; if your ankle is not accessible, maybe you find your right calf or right low back. Your left hand will extend overhead, and allow your head to fall back, fully exposing your throat and your heartspace to the ceiling, hips press forward. This is half camel.
Coming through the center, you press your hips back into child's pose while your extended hands brush the mat towards the front. Continuing this fluid motion, you rise onto your knees and bring the left hand towards the left ankle, calf or low back. The right arm lifts overhead and you let the head fall back again--this is half camel on the other side.
Continuing this motion, back and forth, is called am swinging camel. You are connecting your heart to your mat through the center as you inhale and then as you exhale and find the half camel, you shine your heart space outward. Repeat several times to the rhythm of your own breath and land in child's pose.
When you feel ready, rise to your knees or a seated posture, hands on your heart.
“No matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, you can touch this place in yourself to feel free and alive.”--Sarah Blondin
Throughout this month, remind yourself that your light, your vibration, your true self stems from this very place beneath your hands. Celebrate connecting to it through this moving meditation or as simply as bringing your hands here throughout the day.
May we take time to remember where we came from.
See whats real in this moment.
Send really tender love into the deepest parts of ourselves.