January 2024
You can't outrun your own inner knowing.
Written by Myra Chopp
“You can't outrun your own inner knowing. There are some truths that you cannot bargain, justify, or plead away. There are some that stand there like pillars in the center of your soul, waiting until you will acknowledge them, waiting until you will surrender. These truths are the lightning rods that are waiting to strike your life, and the rest is just you getting ready for them; preparing to let them rip open what you had so tightly wound, like a star going supernova and letting its gaseous guts form into new lives, new realities, new existences. That's all you need to look for, at the end of the day—a truth so bold it sets fire to the stories you've told yourself, the safe ways you've chosen to be. There's no logic, there's just ecstatic truth... and that itself is enough. That is enough to build a new life around. That is all any of us are looking for, in the end.”
-Brianna Wiest
May this be the year you acknowledge what you know so deeply in your being.
May this be the year you gently and so tenderly look into your own eyes and acknowledge what you know to be true.
May this be the year you fiercely declare to yourself what you can no longer afford to avoid and valiantly follow through with your actions.
May this be the year, the day, the moment you choose to wake up to the most honest truth, the one you can no longer keep suppressed.
May you be reminded of your bravery and strength as you trust what you cannot see or plan or create certain.
Through stillness, quietude, and the act of turning inward, may you be enlivened with what you hear, what you feel, with what you find.
May you stop looking outwardly for what you have known all along.
Many blessings to you as you see yourself through the clarity, the newness, the anticipatory beginnings this new year so graciously offers.
May we stop fucking around and boss up, for ourselves.
I love you, Space community.
Let’s walk hand in hand as we enter into this spacious portal of 2024, collectively and independently.
— Myra Chopp
Putting consciousness around it.
A Meditation by Ali Walker
When we think of meditation, we often think that there are “right” ways to approach a practice but like yoga, there are very few (if any) rules. In the moments that I find my mind over-working, I love to drop into new sensations with just a simple body scan. Here’s an offering for you to try!
Find a seated place, perhaps with your back against a wall, in your bed or even in your car.
Close your eyes, place your hands on your face and begin by deepening the breath.
Feel your hands on your face, feel your face on your hands.
When ready, place your hands on your heart or allow them to rest in your lap.
Stay with your intentional breath and from your minds eye, start from the crown of your head moving slowly down the body.
With nothing to fix or adjust, simply breathing and taking in the miracle that is your body.
You may find as you go through this exercise, your gratitude increases.
In these moments, I often say “thank you, body”.
Take as long as you need to make it to your toes, and if you need even more time, go back through to your crown.
Breathing, noticing, accepting.
This can be a beautiful practice of non-judgement.
Try it and see if it shifts something in you!
A New Year Playlist built by Sara Cook.
2024 — the year of Rebirth
We have had an incredible response to the release of our new venture. We are scared and excited and have been navigating the best of our ability in this unprecedented moment.
Asking for help ourselves is crucial to getting this off the ground. So many of you have reached out wanting to support us and we are SO grateful.
We have two ways you can give us a love offering towards this very big transition.
⁃ Union class January 28th, 930a — come and rally with us at Kelli McMullen’s 930a class— 75 minutes of coming together.
⁃ Email us at info@discoverthespace.com if you want us to charge your monthly unlimited membership an extra time this month or next!
We love you so much <3 thank you for wanting to be a part of this very special expansion.
The secret to knowing you have it all is knowing you already do. On repeat. Lets go.