People have been checking in and asking me a lot lately about how I feel. So naturally, it’s where my head is at as far as reflecting. My answer, “I feel really, really, really good!”
And here’s the thing, I used to think that feeling “really good” only came when things were just as they should be. When things were clickin‘ and life was all in its place. However, in this season, where life has thrown me a curve ball, I can honestly say, I am a really, really, really good version of me.
Friends, when life presents us with situations that we have absolutely no control over, we have to dig into, and hold tight to the things that God has instilled and gifted us with.
The foundation underneath all the chaos.
Yes, I’m in a not ideal season, but I’m so AWARE of all the good that is around me. My senses are heightened!
I’m a better momma, better friend, my empathy is stronger, my gratitude is greater, my joy is bigger!
Contrary to what we may think, seasons that we have absolutely no control over, ultimately can bring out a really, really, really good version of who we are. I’m so grateful for this version of me.
— Katie Mann
We have all navigated seasons that have taken our breath away. Seasons that have called us to the carpet of our lives. Asking us to get really clear about whats important to us and what it is that creates our foundation at the end of the day. Everyone is fighting their own battles and practicing their resilience again and again.
We were made to take up space in this world. To create on the canvas of our lives— knowing who you are and what you fall back on is so important in order to journey through the muck with ease and grace. Knowing that shadow comes and the contrast to that is the light. In the shadows we are born and reborn again. And we continually reemerge if we stay the course.
As we have closed, moved, and reopened shop this past month we have been met with so many new awarenesses within our system. This past month has taken our breath away, its squeezed us, its asked us to look within and be brave. In the end, we have met a new version of ourselves that we would have never got to know otherwise.
Reflect on a recent challenge or curveball life has thrown your way. How did you initially respond to it, and how has your perspective evolved since then?
Describe a time when you felt the "really, really, really good" version of yourself shining through despite difficult circumstances. What factors contributed to this feeling of positivity and resilience?
Consider the strengths and gifts that you've been blessed with. How have these attributes supported you during challenging times, and how do they continue to shape your journey?
Consider the concept of control versus surrender. How have you navigated situations that were beyond your control, and what insights have you gained about finding peace and acceptance in uncertainty?
Reflect on moments of unexpected beauty or grace that have emerged from difficult circumstances. What lessons or blessings have you discovered amidst the chaos, and how have these experiences enriched your life?
Strong back. Soft front. Wild Heart.
— Brene Brown
On your way back to the light—
Curated by Ashton Taylor, give it a listen, save it for later. Enjoy.
Moments of grounding and recentering — allow us to get into our heart space. No matter what season of life we are enduring.
Eileen Miles guides us in a beautiful moving meditation, save it for when you need it most.
Well your back— limited edition hoodies with a reminder to carry around the world.
Shop in house.
Thank you for being a foundational part of The Space.
We aren’t us without you.
As we have gotten back on our feet, and we have been reborn— we greet our community with the utmost gratitude. We literally could not have done it without you.
We hope that as you find us at our new space, step into the room with new eyes. Step into the work with a new knowing. Through the work we are becoming more and more ourselves. It requires our grit, our sweat, our tears, and more importantly our hearts to be wide open.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
We love you so much.