December Presents
*p r e s e n c e
Tis the season to get here and now.
This season can feel weighty with its demands. I need to cook this. I need to buy that. I need to be here. I need to be there. I need to be everywhere. I need to take care of myself. My family. My friends???
Checking off the boxes, while there does seem to be a looming joy in places it isnt normally, feels a bit— stuffy.
Well it can.
I saw this graphic many moons ago and I call upon it often —
It’s simple, really. And yet I find myself quoting to myself — “Just be here with me.” When I feel myself disconnected to the here and now, I blink and focus in on whats in physically in front of me, and I act like its asking me, just be here with me now.
Like an anthem. Like a beat, a pulse. Something to call me back out of the future planning, out of the mind swirl of replaying what has happened, and it brings me right in. Its not my default. And it feels like a mighty practice.
Life demands presence. It doesnt require it and thats the sticky part.
This holiday season, if you find yourself going through the motions, holding your breath, or feeling any sense of AM I MISSING SOMETHING, put this in the pockets of your mind, your heart, and whisper it to your body.
“Just be here with me.” - Life.
— Liv Monte
By Rachel Johnson
So much of the winter is defined by rushing around and the holidays. During this short Yoga sequence I want to remind us of the snow - how gently it falls on the earth and encases it in a blanket of peace to prepare for the next season.
I want to offer you this simple breathwork and movement for when you feel lost in the hustle of this season. Let yourself truly pause and fall in the way the snow falls onto earth grounding and comforting.
Start in a criss cross seated meditation pose with your hands on top of your knees, palms down for grounding. Take a deep inhale through the nose, and exhale with a sigh out your mouth. Take this large breath a few times.
On your next inhale reach your arms up to the sky, as you feel your spine grow inch by inch. Exhale as you drop your right arm down to the ground and your left arm falls over top. Inhale back up to center, exhale fall into the left side. With your left arm planted on the ground and right arm above your head. Take this a few times to the tune of your own breath.
Once satisfied with the first movement, inhale your arms up high again this time taking them down in front of your legs. Fold your top half into your bottom half and land. Breathe in and exhale as you just land. Imagining yourself as a blanket to the earth collecting what you need and releasing into the ground what is no longer serving you.
Slowly inhale your way up, one vertebrae at a time. Place your dominant hand over your heart and the other across your body in a hug. Repeat this mantra
“I allow myself to fall into this current moment”.
Just like the snow falls to hold us you can fall in too and hold yourself.
A December Playlist
By Karen Caid
And no, its not Christmas music <3
We sponsor a family in need every year around the holidays! The Giving Tree in the studio has tags on it that give to a local family in need. Grab a tag, and bring back the item wrapped by December 20th!
As we wrap up another amazing year, we have the chance to be here now.
Maybe you know the feeling, you’re taking an hour class at The Space, and all a sudden in the final moments you feel yourself arrive. Like oh, hi, there you are.
No judgement for how long it takes, just the awareness that you have arrived. Landing into your body, into this moment.
Just be here with me.
Just be here with me.
Just be here with me.
What’s calling your attention in this moment and how can you turn toward it in the most raw and authentic way?
We hope to see you soon and cant wait to venture into 2024 hand in hand. There are really AMAZING things coming.
A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
From your Space family. We love you.