to Blossom, to open yourself.
March was all about MARCHING FORWARD. A charge to grab hands with our community, and move forward, claiming new insights for our Studio, with YOU involved.
We had an amazing time partnering with you and standing together, doing the work, feeling the feelings.
All of it. So firstly, thank you Community. We aren't us with out you. YOU create the Space.
In April, we feel a deep call to take note of whats left after we have peeled back the layers this past month. We have shed, created room, and now, we begin to EMERGE. Just as we have been pleading with Michigan to give us Spring, we urge you too... step out, and blossom. Whats left after all you have let go? What have you created room for and WHO are you now?
Think of yourself as a tiny bud, ready to expand and shift and change. It's time. To shine bright and stand strong in who you are. In what you are. In everything you were created to be. It's time to Blossom
What are you waiting for?
Reach out and grab tight.
It's time.
We love you so much.
Keep an eye out for :
We are excited to roll out our summer pricing for High School + College Students AS WELL AS School Teachers! Here's what to expect:
3 MONTHS UNLIMITED ...150. (Limit 1)
10 Class Pack ... 75. (Limit 1)
These special deals will be available for purchase May 1st and must be purchased at the Studio (NOT available via Mindbody online or app). Valid school I.D. must be present at time of purchase. The unlimited packages start the first day you use them, and we are unable to suspend them. Thank you.
the Flight : Inversions with Carson Crandell
April 28th, 3-5p
Reservation required via MindBody
Women's Empowerment Buti
with Kelsey Taylor and Kenni Richardson
May 5th, 6-8p
Reservation required via MindBody.
the Community Connect
An open house of holistic wellness gurus, free to our community.
May 19th, 5-7p.
Want to plan a workshop or event with us?
Email us at
Don't forget to take advantage of our:
New Additional Offerings
at the Space
the Red Room : We are so eager and happy to introduce you to the RED ROOM. The benefits, the FAQ’s, our system and rules and last but not least, the Pricing can all be found HERE.
the Body Work : Join Kelly Gaither in the ancient practice of Thai Massage. A full body experience, Thai massage incorporates a combination of acupressure and yoga like stretching. Find everything you need to know HERE.
Take a few moments to dive in deeper with: the Asana Learning about the poses we do and how to do them properly.
POSE : King Pidgeon : Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
How to : From downward facing dog, lift your right leg high, bend twist and open to create space in the hips. Bring the right knee to the right wrist, right ankle to the left wrist. Walk your left toes back, hands still planted in the earth, rolling the shoulders back, opening the heart. If you can maintain the upright position of your pelvis without the support of your hands on the floor, bring your hands to the top rim of your pelvis. Push heavily down. Against this pressure, lift the lower rim of your rib cage. The back ribs should lift a little faster than the front. Without shortening the back of your neck, drop your head back. To lift your chest, push the top of your sternum straight up toward the ceiling. Connect the left foot to the hands, pause and breathe.
The Pose : this pose stretches the groin, neck, shoulders, thighs, abdomen and chest. While stimulating the abdominal organs, this pose offers a deep opening of the chest and shoulders. There are many places to soften into in this pigeon pose. If you need a modifier, simply pause along the way where your body can find a place to be at ease.
the Training
the HUGEST Congratulations to our Teachers in Training who graduated on April 8th.
April is FULL of free class Offerings led by these beautiful women who have worked so hard to arrive to this place. Please reserve on Mindbody. Class styles vary by Teacher.
the Offerings:
Friday April 13, 11a
Saturday April 14, 11a + 1p
Sunday April 15, 11a, 1p, + 4p
Friday April 20, 3p + 7p
Saturday April 21, 11a
Sunday April 22, 11a
Sunday April 29, 11a
Find a quiet space, hand on heart, find your breath, and speak to you.
"I am who I am,
fully right now.
And all that I am, I accept.
I embrace.
I choose to love and to empower.
To shine bright and shine BOLD.
To stay open.
To choose to feel.
Choosing to be known,
choosing to blossom.
To produce a life that I am
proud of.
One that I will protect,
and participate in.
I choose to grow,
to shift,
to ignite.
I choose to love without condition.
I choose me."
Questions? Ask!
We love you.
the Team