
photo by Liv Monte

Remain - verbstay in the place that one has been occupying.


"I was born in a big gray cloud
Screaming out a love song
All the broken chords and unnamed cries
What a place to come from

I wish to remain nameless

And live without shame
'Cause what's in a name, Oh
I still remain the same"

-Remain Nameless by Florence and the Machines

As we enter our last month of summer, we are challenged to remain. To stay put. We tend to start planning for kiddos to go back to school, planning the "back-to-reality" schedule, more structure, less vacation, less sunshine, fewer late nights + slow mornings. We step into August and we put ourselves in a holding pattern of anticipation for the next season of life. 

Our challenge to you: how will you remain? How will you stay riding the wave, day by day, checking back into the present moment. This is the practice of showing up on your mat. We learn this when we are in the fire doing the work. Tuning in to life that's happening right here, right now. Life that's happening not to you, but for you. 

Feeling all the things.
Stick with it. 

We love you so much. 

the Renewal
Our first ever retreat. Book today.

We are heading to Mexico in January for the most perfect Michigan winter getaway. Our first ever retreat is January 11th-15th. A five day, four night exploration of self. Do yourself a favor and book now to save yourself from winter blues. The early bird truly gets the worm! The sooner you purchase your flight, the better. All details can be found here

the Training

Its going to be here before you even know. 
We have a couple spots left,
 if you're looking for a sign, 
this is it. 

The earlier you sign up, the better. Hold your space. Do it for you. 
All details you need to know can be found here


Catch us at:

AUGUST 17th-19th
Kelli is teaching Saturday night along side East Forest
Use our Code KelliBF&F to get 15% off your ticket.

Purchase your ticket here


Take a few moments to dive in deeper with :

Learning about the poses we do
and how to do them properly.

King Dancer : Natarajasana

How To : Start in Tadasana, Mountain Pose, shifting the weight into the left leg, begin to draw your right heel towards your bum. Connecting the right hand to the right foot, press through the four corners of the grounded left foot, and begin to slightly tip your upper body forward, kicking the right foot into the right hand while stabilizing through your core. Keeping the left knee soft for balance and protection. To intensify, begin to draw your chest upwards in the hold, extending your left hand to meet the grasp overhead.

Benefits : Stretches the thighs, groin, abdomen, chest and shoulders. Strengthens the legs and ankles. Aids in challenging and improving balance. 


August Intentions:
Use anytime to ground yourself back home.

"I choose to remain.
To stay within my body,
within my days,
within my shifting,
within my becoming.
I choose to remain.
Day by day,
chasing the present moment,
not seasons.
I choose to remain.
For me."


Want to Collaborate with us?

Our Fall schedule is booking fast, but we are always open to new collaborations, workshops, etc. Please email Heather at to talk details and ideas. 


Questions? Ask!

We love you.
the Team


Fruits of Labor.


the Renewal | Our First Ever Retreat