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Welcome back.


April 2021

All of our lives are a series of beginning again.
We want to start this letter to you off by saying— thank you. To our community for supporting us, donating, shopping our store, to the people who kept their memberships live through all shutdowns, we thank you. Again and again. We can't do this without you. 

We are OPEN!

We’ve been here before. Below are our Studio guidelines, our cleanliness procedures, our membership extension plan, and a reminder of our booking policies. Grab a cup of coffee, and move through this with us. Please take time to read and understand our next steps and yours. (P.s. we love you)

Studio Guidelines

  • If you have not felt well, been directly exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid-19, please do not come to the studio for a 10 day period or until tested negative.

  • If you have traveled out of state, and do not get tested upon returning home, the CDC states that you should consider reducing non-essential activities for 10 days.

  • Masks are required by the CDC to enter the building and are to be used anytime you are moving through the lobby, bathrooms, etc.

  • Our front desk staff will be wearing a mask upon arrival. Sign up prior to class is mandatory as space is very limited.

  • There will be sanitation stations throughout the studio to ensure proper practice of disinfecting hands.

  • We will have use of our drinking fountain to fill up your own water bottle and it will be sanitized between classes.

  • We will still offer a towel service. Towels are properly cleaned and sanitized between use. Wearing masks and gloves, our staff will pass out washcloths to clients in savasana.

  • There will be a thorough cleaning/sanitization of the studio after each scheduled class. Please be prompt to clear out of the room after class. We will be asking that you do not come into the building any sooner than 10 minutes before class start time. This will allow for the previous class to exit out the back and proper cleaning of the room can take place.


The Space respects any personal precautions that create a more comfortable experience for you.


The Space's Studio Cleanliness Processes 

Here are a few of the things we are doing within our studio to ensure the cleanliness and quality of your experience with us.

  • The main cleaning product we use is Envirox H2Orange2. The Envirox H2Orange2 Concentrate is a superior cleaner for safely cleaning and disinfecting all environmental surfaces. Since most cleaning is done with just one procedure, often people spray clean with a disinfectant thinking that a spray and wipe takes care of everything. Biofilm builds up on a surface at a very fast rate; Envirox 117 H2Orange2 cuts through the build up layers to actually clean the surface with the safest technology on the market. By regularly cleaning all surfaces with H2Orange2, soil and oils that are breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses will be eliminated making the disinfectant much more effective to kill the germs that are present. A clean surface is much less contaminated than a surface that has layer after layer of dirt and grime buildup on it.

  • HVAC - A Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system, also known as HVAC, removes contaminants in the air and conditions indoor air either cooling it or heating. Our HVAC system naturally does a filtration with excess carbon dioxide in the air, pumping in fresh oxygen up to 3-5 cycles in one class.

  • Infrared Heat Panels -The infrared panels in the ceiling of our Studio help heat the body from the inside out, one of the most effective forms of building up our immune system.

  • All of our titanium door handles have been specially treated in the studio that prohibits virus’ to stick on metal.

  • Sanitation stations - these are set up throughout the studio to give you access to hand sanitization anytime.


ALL guidelines were consulted on and co-created with a Licensed Medical Professional to ensure we are thorough and doing our best to keep our community healthy and safe.