Remember when we were children how Christmas morning felt? We sprung out of bed, our bodies electric. Giddy, with smiles on our faces. Wonder and delight were our essence. When did we shift out of that excitement for our lives? What might change if we brought even a glimmer of that back to our days? Recently, mindfully, I have been living from a place of increased enthusiasm.
This has created more ease in my life. Joy begets more joy. Glory begets more glory.
But how? Think of all the elements that contribute to your joyful moments and cultivate MORE of them. Cultivate a playlist filled with songs that shift your mood, spend time with people who have a beautiful outlook on life, be kind to your nervous system with a daily meditation, move your body in a way it’s asking to move. Like yoga, this is a practice. Some days it will come easily, other days not as much. It is your willingness to try again that is required, not forced perfection. Give yourself an abundance of grace for your humanness, for your imperfections, for moments when you forget what is available to you and how powerful you really are. Happy creating, Tribe.
— Written by Ali Walker
“Enthusiasm is a supernatural serenity.” — Henry David Thoreau
A playlist created by Bri Belanger. Its like a warm apple cider hug. Tis the transition of seasons— let it move you, support you, or just be the background of everything.
MANTRA to Movement
Katie Mann never fails to give us something short and sweet to hold on to in our days.
September can feel bonkers… back to allllll the things! I can often fall into the trap of trying to control it all, do it all, my agenda. My fast, loud, intense pace… and it often doesn’t work.
Mantra I’m leaning into :
if trying harder doesn’t work, try softer.
Check in with the body:
where have I been pushing, what am I trying to force?
I love rolling through the body with crouching tiger push up as a check in for trying on softness.
Push up, pull back into crouching tiger round and articulate through the spine and back into plank.
Repeat as needed!
We turned 6 this month
and WOW that a magical moment in time. We have loved celebrating with you. Thank you for being here with us, we cannot wait to embark on this year 7!