(check up)
You know routine? Yeah we used to too. Let’s chat about structure today.
We have to try harder than ever to create it. We have our morning coffee and then all a sudden its 5p and we are still in jammies. What are the landmarks through the day to make sure you don’t drifting away from yourself? When we detach from our presence, we begin to callous. And the world needs our participation.
While we have opportunity to dictate how we structure our days, we have an opportunity to set ourselves up for success.
Sometimes it’s as simple as changing out of your pajamas in the morning. Having your morning coffee before the rest of your people wake. Or maybe doing one of our guided meditations before you get out of bed. Structure is best set by ritual. Doing something to signify to your mind that it’s a new day, a new moment, new opportunity to drop back into the body.
“Routine is one of the most powerful tools for removing obstacles.'‘
-Greg McKeown
While we definitely want to encourage you to take this time to connect, rest, and restore (because when will you ever get a moment in time like this again) setting some boundaries within your day gives it purpose. What if you gave yourself a 5 finger punch list of r I t u a l s per day.
A moment alone
Alone time is vital. Having a moment to check in with your self. Maybe read a book, take a bath, maybe its just sitting in your bedroom for a hot second to notice how you feel. To see yourself just for a moment.
A moment of reflection
Can you journal? Just for a moment to document how you are feeling, or what you have done today. Just a moment to collect your day, a feeling, something that you went through today you don’t want to forget— get it on paper.
A moment to move
We are likely sitting more than we typically do. And when we are feeling so deeply about what’s happening in our world, we tend to begin to store the emotions in the body if we aren’t deliberately (and physically) moving through them. We are hosting at least one Live class per day on our facebook. And posting movement segments on our instagram (piece them together and make your own class!). Or get outside, put your feet on the earth, walk, run, feel the fresh air piping through your body.
A moment of intentional connection with your people
Heres a practice : sit cross legged from a family member, don’t say anything, don’t laugh, just look into each others eyes and remain. See them. We will tell you— it’s vulnerable. It’s HARD. But it’s connecting.
Or let making dinner be a family affair, or have a game night, play charades. Do something that collectively brings you into the present moment with your people.
Don’t just let yourself coexist— create connection.
A moment of stillness
We don’t mean stillness by watching your latest Netflix binge! Intentional stillness. Finding a moment to reconnect with your breath. Giving yourself a moment to close the eyes, to scan your body, how do you feel? No DOING, more BEING. What does it look like? How does it feel?
Need help getting still? We have several guided meditations to hone in, here.
Sometimes having a “list” can seem daunting, but these can be moments…minutes… don’t overwhelm yourself, just take good care. Create structure by creating intention. Remove the obstacles, get clear on what this time could mean for you in creating deeper connections to the parts of your life.
We suggest writing the 5 moments on a piece of paper, hang it on your fridge. Be intentional. Just do your absolute best.
We got this.
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We love you so much.