MARCHING forward.
As we step in, we are faced with challenge and risk. But we
create more space + ROOM to grow and to attract and become, and we are ready.
We are Marching Forward.
Photo by Eli Lindauer
FORWARD : (adverb)
: onward so as to make progress; toward a successful conclusion.
Photo by Eli Lindauer
FORWARD : (adverb)
: onward so as to make progress; toward a successful conclusion.
We want to keep priming ourselves, keeping our hearts open,
our arms wide, ready to receive what's next for us. Stepping into our power, our potential, just as we are capable and READY.
So what does this look like?
Workshops, getting ready for the Summer, potential new class
offerings, maybe some new faces on our Team, our new entity : the Red Room and more. You’ll find all the info below.
Some of the logistics:
PRICING CHANGES : Part of us marching forward includes a
slight increase in our pricing options. For our monthly unlimited if you join
our tribe in the month of March you will receive the $100/month rate. AND you
will be grandfathered in with this pricing while we raise our prices to
$120/month on April 1st. If you are already currently a monthly unlimited
member with us, you will also be grandfathered in. We appreciate everyone who
is a part of this Community and we hope you will join forces with us as we step
into new territory with this.
Child Care Check in : its VITAL that you check in your
children that you drop off with us. Its vital in a legal sense but also in a
business sense too. It’s also very important that you sign your kids up in
advance to hold space. We don’t have a very large child care and we do have a
maximum number of kids we can hold in the child care for legal reasons! Thank
you for understanding.
Child Care for Summer : We think we have the solution for
child care for the Summer, and when we iron it out we will let you know for
sure. Just know its in the works!
Teacher Training Offerings : In the month of April you’ll
notice a ton of “the Offerings” on the schedule. These are offerings from our
Teachers in training where they will lead the community in a one hour free
class. Each class style will be dependent on who teaches. Feel free to sign up and join us.
6a Class Time Slots : This was one of the most requested new time slots from our clients and unfortunately we have not been having the turn out we hoped for. If we are unable to jump start this in the month of March, we will be eliminating this time slot come April.
Meet some of souls that create your Tribe.
“When I walk into the
doors at the Space, it’s like when you have your first date. I have
butterflies, I’m excited, the environment, the people that work there, the
community that shows up, everything you encounter when you walk in is a warm
embrace. I know that no matter what my day handed me, I can leave it at the
door and expect to feel better. The classes at the Space push me to where I’ve
never been before, helping me become the person that I am supposed to be. I
have grown up always being told who to be, and through my yoga journey and the
Space, I’ve have learned what it looks like to step into who I was created to
I have dealt with anxiety over the years, and I have always
been known to carry the weight of the things that the people I love endure.
Which in turn feels like the weight of the world on my shoulders. Through the
Space I have learned that its my choice and my POWER to let things go! Its my
power to create space for the things that are meant for me! I am so blessed by
the support of my husband who knows the days and the moments when yoga is just
what I need! That release of finding myself, letting the things go, shaping and
Having practiced yoga for roughly 4-5 years, the longer I am
here doing the work the more I realize that I don’t need the gym anymore, this
is more mental release; a workout physically but also mentally and emotionally.
The Tribe, the people that fill the Space-- Teachers and fellow members are
real, they want to know me, they want to be genuine with me. This is where I
needed to be my whole life, I wish it would have opened sooner!
Everything that I’ve been through has led me to this place.
I feel so deeply connected with the hearts that are involved at the studio.
Kelli and Liv have created something that no one can replicate, this is
different, this is unique and I want to share it with everyone!
I’m okay with myself and what I feel, I know who I am and I
no longer feel the need to prove myself to people. I’m able to use the things I
learn on my mat in my everyday. I have to check in with how I’m living and
treating my kids, taking the expectations away and allowing room for the things
that are meant for me. This is what I have learned at the Space and this is my
“To begin with, anyone that knows me would never guess I
would eventually be calling a yoga studio my home away from home and favorite
place to exercise. Growing up, I played or tried almost every sport possible
and was able to continue my athletic career as a collegiate volleyball player.
My athletic trainers, chiropractors, and doctor all suggested yoga at some
point during my visits, due to my lower back pain. I am NOT flexible in the
slightest and the thought of all that stretching to boring music, while also
having to be in my head way more than I was comfortable with, made me not want
to try. Also, if I was going to be taking a hour of my day to work out, I
better be burning a lot of calories, yoga didn’t seem like the “calorie
burning” type activity.
My favorite work out instructor of all-time told us she was
moving to a new studio called The Space. Katie teaches a high-intensity
strength and plyo type class to loud amazing music, exactly the kind of class I
LOVE. It was tough to hear she was moving her class to a hot yoga studio...the
only thing I dislike more than long distance running and yoga, is doing any
type of exercise in extreme heat, all of that gross sweating...I knew right
away I would follow her, but I was certain I would not be very happy with the
overall experience.
The Space has been the absolute best thing for my body, my
mental state, and my heart. You will almost always find me at the 9:30 class,
up in the very front corner by the door (by far the coolest spot in the room),
flowing to the kick ass (loud) music that is always played at this studio. The
heat is still so HARD for me. I thought I may die of heat exhaustion the first
few classes. I take breaks, I wipe sweat out of my eyes about 100 times a
class, I’m still not very flexible and there are many poses I can’t seem to
get. But, I always leave class feeling better than I did before I entered the
door. The instructors are the warmest and kindest souls, they make everyone
feel so loved and welcomed-as if they have just been waiting for you to walk
through the door. To top it all off, you burn tons of calories! We do jumping
jacks, and burpees, and intense ab work throughout the class, similar to the
classes I have always loved. My heart rate is constantly rising and I’m getting
stronger. We dance at times, we laugh, we have fun-my people are here:)
Finally, the beyond amazing owner Kelli, has made such an
immediate impact on my life in more ways than one, but with mental toughness in
particular. Somewhere along the way, I seem to have lost my ability to push
myself beyond what is comfortable, both mentally and physically...along with
the other instructors, she is helping me find my way again. I will forever be
grateful for her. The Space will push you to be better, do better.
It is beyond just a’s just so much more.”
The Spaces retail selections are exclusively picked for the best methods of
creating the space within your life.
Indulging in the
right ways.
This month's pick: SPACE SIGNATURE SCENT
You asked for it, and you got it.
Our signature scent bottled just for YOU. Body, mat or room, you choose.
In the know:
We have so many good things for you to attend in the next
More info and sign up through Mindbody. Reservation
The Youth : Every Saturday in March 12:45p-2p |
Our teachers in
training are leading the Youth in our Community
to a deeper level of
self awareness. Details on our MindBody website.
The Community Class : Every Sunday in March 2:30-3:30p |
Also lead by our teachers in training, this is a free class
offering that is an opportunity
for them to gain
experience and practice of teaching a class.
Please sign up
through our MindBody website.
Are you interested in the Space hosting your workshop or
collaborating with us for an event?
the Red Room
We are so eager and happy to introduce you to the RED ROOM.
The benefits, the FAQ’s, our system and rules and last but not least, the
Pricing can all be found HERE.
Take a few moments to dive in deeper with:
the Asana
Learning about the poses we do and how to do them properly.
POSE : Bakasana : Crow
The Pose : Bakasana is a strong and grounding pose that aids in strengthening and toning the core muscles of the body. It also strengthens the upper back, groin muscles, upper arms, forearms, and wrists. It challenges and improves balance and concentration. This is a great base to challenge and strengthen muscles required to do a handstand. Notice the body stabilizing and balancing.
March Intentions:
Find a quiet space. Hand on heart. Maybe look into a mirror,
into your eyes.
Maybe eyes closed, and take it line by line. Breathing it
in. Believing in you. In your words.
Recite aloud :
"In this month, I vow to March Forward.
Creating space for the things that
are meant for me but I do not have yet.
The things that no longer fit inside of me,
I release and I let go of.
I only have space and time and
energy for the things that are meant
for me. I will shift and I will let go,
but most importantly, I will flow.
And I will keep going forward."
We love you so so much.
Thank you for doing this thing with us.
We need you and we value you.
Questions? Ask us!
the Team